We offer you various paper options from low cost recycled 43gsm paper to 80 gsm, 93% brightness A grade paper.
We have handled very high volume requirements in short delivery time for the Ministry of Education in various French & English speaking African countries.
Any page count is possible. This book is manufactured on our 2 Automatic Reel to Book production lines with center pin bind, manufacturing operations untouched by hand – reel to shrink pack, except for carton packing – giving you consistent high quality, even color inking, square back, pinning perfectly on the spine center. Please view our Reel to Book machine video in Factory Tour.
For your needs we can also manufacture Hardcase Cover in Fullscap, A4, A5 size, , Soft Art Paper Cover, Grey Back / White Back Duplex Cover, with a large library of cover designs / themes to choose from – Sports, Seashore, Scenery, Winter Sports, Flowers, Cars, Bikes, Cartoon characters, African / International Football Stars, ……
We also manufacture French Ruled Books with a combination of Practical Book with reference tables, Graph Book, Sketch Book etc. exactly as required by you.